Experiences pour scavoir si le Papier & quelques autres corps sont capables d'arrêter l'Air & l'Eau; & si quand ils arrêtent l'un de ces liquides ils arrêtent l'autre.

(Paris, L'Imprimerie Royale, 1717). 4to. Without wrappers. Extracted from "Mémoires de l'Academie des Sciences. Année 1714". Pp. 55-64.

First printing.

"Réamur was among the greatest naturalists of his or any age. In the breadth and range of his researches, in the patient detail of his observations, and in the brilliant ingenuity of his experiments, it would be difficult to name his equal. Thomas Henry Huxley has compared him favorably with Darwin."(DSB XI, p. 331).

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